Exporting Images from Figma for Android

Htoo Aung Hlaing
2 min readAug 7, 2021


Few years ago, I have used AdobeXD and Sketch for android UI designing screens. But in both AdobeXD and Sketch , exporting assets ( different resolution images ) for android is not the problem and their build in export tool is work perfectly. I mean just click the export button and it will export the asset in just few click, as the result, we can get different resolution images in different drawable folder ( drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, etc ).

But in Figma, build it export tool need to make a few extra step to export asset.You have to define images size in scale as 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x and 4x for Android Drawable Folders. And then, it can’t save that previous configuration to export next images. That is really not okay for developers. If the screen has many icons and images to export, it may waste the time and less productivity.

I found the way to solve this, luckly i found a plugin and called “Android Resource Export”. With this plugin , just simple click and can get asset images for different drawable folder.

It exported as the zip file and it contains different drawable folder.

If you have times, you can simply drag and drop exported folder to Android Studio folder. But if you want to make as smart work and save times, we can use Android Drawable Importer plugin for this.We can import previously exported asset zip file to Android Studio as Multisource-Drawable.

NOTE : Android Drawable Importer didn’t get the approval from JetBrains for the Android Studio Arctic Fox.

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